Monday, April 11, 2016

Honestly Speaking (Part 1)

You know, I have always thought I wasn't cut out for network marketing, but in reality, we're all network marketers.

Think about it. What do you do when you find a recipe you love? You post about it on social media, call your mom, sister, and best friend, and then tell everyone at church about it. What do you do when you hate something? Same thing. What are you doing? You're marketing for someone else! If you love Kraft's new flavor of marshmallow, you're giving them free marketing! (I must note, I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Kraft Foods, Inc.) Point made. But are you getting paid to market those products or services? Unless you signed up for a business kit and got a website, no.

Some think I'm crazy for giving network marketing yet another chance. I've tried several. All of them with the same basic skeleton of how the company works. The muscles, joints, and tendons may be a bit different, but most of them all follow the same big names, use the same basic scripts, and provide the same basic concept. The difference? The products or services being offered, sometimes the way you're paid, how much you're paid, and how often you receive your cut for your hard work. If you're like me, you like a lot of different products. But there's always one that you are in l.o.v.e. with. My passion is makeup. (Duh, right?) So when I had a chance to jump on board a newly launched company (ok, it's 4 years old now...), I took the chance. I sold my most favorite crafting tool, my Cricut Expressions Machine (again, no affiliation whatsoever), and used that money as my start-up capitol investment. I took a shot.

But honestly speaking, after making my initial investment back, which was easy when so many people in my warm market were willing to help me, I had to get down to brass tacks. I had to start putting my nose to the grindstone and start really marketing. It's not hard, and it's not easy, either. But it is simple. Following the plan, putting my emotions aside (my biggest problem), and building my business is taking more time than I had initially thought. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not quitting anytime soon. I just want to be honest with you. Here are some facts about network marketing that not many people are going to share with you:

1) It is NOT a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme would have you starting at the bottom and working your way up, but in the meantime, offering no product or service in exchange for money. Pyramid schemes are illegal!! In network marketing, you start at the top and build your business with others who are like-minded, driven, and just as passionate. They become part of your team while building their team as the CEO! All the while, you're offering quality products or services. (Really, working your way up a corporate ladder seems like more of a scam to me!)
Now research "Corporate Pyramid" and see who's really being scammed. Photo Credit:

2) Network marketing isn't about money. Well, not your money. Strange, right? It's about helping others build their networks and markets. Teaching, coaching, mentoring, and leading are the tools to greatness. Learn what others need and fill the need. Have you seen the movie Robots? The CEO of the biggest and brightest invention company in the world, Mr. Bigweld, has a saying, "See a need, fill a need." I truly believe in this motto and have adopted it for myself when it comes to my business. Help others looking for an opportunity to stay at home with their babies, or supplement their income. Show them the ropes. Tell them that while it's not about the money, the money will eventually come.
Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox

And that leads me to my next point...
3) You're not going to get rich quick. No network marketer got rich quick. Some of them may have shot to success quickly, but they didn't make six-figures overnight. They followed the steps laid out before them or blazed a new trail to get to that mark. Some of them took weeks to get to that point, but most of them took months or years. Any network marketing company will tell you to give it at least a year to make back your initial investment and three to five to get to the six-figure income. But you must put in the work. (I swear I just heard some of you sigh in anguish.)

Photo Credit:

To Be Continued...

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