Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Honestly Speaking (Part 2)

Whew! That was a lot of information hurled at you in Part 1. (You can read that HERE!) Can you believe I have a few more things to say?? I do. without further adieu...

1) Network marketing takes time and effort. What? You thought it was all beaches and vacations? Sure, it's attainable, but nothing in life comes free, even in network marketing. As I said in part 1, the work isn't hard, nor is it easy, but it is simple when you follow the steps that are laid out before you. Even if you're just starting out as one of the first consultants in a brand new company, there are still steps and systems in place that other companies have successfully used. The amount of time you commit to working at your business will determine how successful you'll be. You can download podcasts and other audio tools to listen to on your way to work. Turn your vehicle into "Drive Time University." Instead of watching TV, use that time to read something about your company that you can use when you're talking to people about your business. During commercials, if you must watch TV, send a text, private message on social media, or email to at least 5 people. When you're on social media during your lunch break at work, do the same thing! You have more time than you may think-- especially when you think about the fact that most (if not all) of the "work" can be done on your phone!
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2) You're going to feel like you're riding a roller coaster. There are ups, downs, corkscrew twists, sharp turns, violent drops, and sudden surges to the top. Some days are going to boost your confidence because you got a "yes" when you asked someone to try what you had to offer; other days are going to make you feel like throwing in the towel, changing your name, and moving to a foreign country because someone said you're wasting everyone's time and money. I have a little glimmer of hope, though, if you keep putting in consistent time and effort, and you're always learning, those dips and flips become less harsh and less frequent, the ups are going to go higher and higher, and you'll be helping so many other people that you will be the expert in their eyes!
Photo Credit:

And my final thought about network marketing...
3) You're going to build some amazing relationships! When you're in network marketing, you meet a lot of new people. A lot! I emphasize this because you're always talking to people. Open mouth, open business. Closed mouth, closed business. Not every person you meet is going to want your product or service, but they may know someone who does. You can't just walk up to them and say, "Hey! You're [enter compliment here], join my business/buy my product/pay for my services!" You need to build relationships. Get to know the people you meet. Show genuine interest in them. The relationships you forge will sometimes come from the most unlikely of places! The best relationships I've forged in my time of network marketing have happened when I'm out running errands. My pharmacist and I talk once a week because there is always a prescription for one of my family members to be picked up. I talk to her! I also talk to the dog groomer, my hair stylist, my hair stylist's waiting clients, every cashier, every person in the bank that asks me what I do (While it's illegal to solicit on federal property-- including banks, it's technically not soliciting if they ask you, therefore not illegal.) I don't believe in coincidences. I believe God puts people and things in our path for a reason, whether that reason is to help us get to the next leg of our journeys, or for us to help others. So, talk to people! You never know who is secretly wishing for what you have to offer. And you may need their services or products! Life is more fun with friends anyways. Who knows, you may not have made any business contacts, but you may have made some new karaoke pals!
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