Monday, April 4, 2016

Today is The Day!

Oh. My. Gosh!!!! Today is the day!!!

I was a little late getting this post out because it's Spring Break, two of my kids are at grandpa's, so the oldest kiddo and I made a trip to Tim Horton's for some mom/son time. Please forgive me. 

A few things you should know about me: 
1) I believe in God. I believe that Jesus died and rose again. And I believe that every person on earth is worthy of hearing the gospel. 
2) My family comes after my time with Jesus, but before everything else. No exceptions. 
3) I'm usually pretty calm and laid back, fun, and easy to get along with-- until my family is put into danger. Then I become a different animal. Which leads me to my next fact...
4) My nickname is QueenBee, or Queenie for short, thanks to my husband. He said I reign supreme over all other women in all facets (which is NOT entirely true), and that I'm a busy-bee-- always doing something social. I like to say that I'm a Queen for completely different reasons. 

Enough about me. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Let's talk about YOU! If you've been following me for any amount of time, you know that I love makeup. I not only love it, I also share my love for it. I know there are many of you out there that will say, "That's great, Amanda, but I don't wear makeup because [enter reasoning here]." Most of the time, it's because makeup seems intimidating or hard. Sometimes it's because the person objecting really doesn't like makeup. That's cool, too! But for those of you who are intimidated by the thought of stepping up your makeup game beyond mascara and eyeliner, or for those of you wanting to learn new tips and tricks, you're going to LOVE this announcement:

Starting this week, I'll be offering MAKEUP CLASSES!!! Live, virtual, and right here in my blog!! Yes, it's true!!! We'll start with the basics and work our way up to professional level work. I'll answer questions along the way that you send to my inbox or post below.

I'm so excited to be on this journey with all of you!!


P.S. What makeup tip do you most want to learn? 

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